Hyperextended Knee: Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery Time

Hyperextension of the knee, otherwise called "genu recurvatum" happens when the leg unreasonably fixes at the knee joint, putting weight on the knee structures and the back of the knee joint.Hyperextended Knee is not a serious disease but in must be treated.

Hyperextended Knee 
Hyperextended Knee 

Hyperextension of the knee can jump out at anybody, however it's more typical among competitors, particularly the individuals who play sports like football, soccer, skiing or lacrosse. It's frequently the aftereffect of an immediate hit to the knee or powers produced amid a snappy deceleration or stop. As per the American Journal of Sports Medicine female competitors have expanded joint precariousness, putting them at a more serious danger of knee damage than men, particularly the individuals who take part in the high-chance games.

Amid hyperextension, the knee joint twists the wrong way, which regularly brings about swelling, torment and tissue harm. In extreme cases, tendons, for example, the front cruciate tendon (ACL), back cruciate tendon (PCL), or popliteal tendon (the tendon along the back of the knee) might be sprained or cracked.

Hyperextended Knee

Side effects

Flimsiness of the knee

After hyperextension damage you may see flimsiness in your knee joint. Many individuals report sentiments of their leg "giving out" while strolling or trouble remaining on one leg.


Restricted agony in the knee joint is normal after hyperextension. Agony can fluctuate from gentle to serious and for the most part increments when tendons or different structures are harmed or torn. Torment is depicted as a gentle yearn to a sharp torment in the back of the knee or a squeezing torment before the knee joint.

Diminished versatility

You may experience issues twisting or rectifying your leg following hyperextension damage. This could be because of swelling around the knee, which can confine how far you can move it, and additionally harm to the interior structures, for example, the ACL, PCL, popliteal tendon, or meniscus.

Swelling and wounding

After damage you may see prompt or postponed swelling and wounding of the knee and encompassing territory. This can be gentle or more extreme, and it is your body's method for reacting to the harmed tissues.


In the same way as other delicate tissue wounds, it's encouraged to take after the RICE rule following knee hyperextension.


Stop the action that caused damage and look for medicinal consideration. Enjoy a reprieve from any high-power or high effect exercises and evade any physical games. Delicate scope of movement practices are best right now. Calming pharmaceuticals can be useful to diminish swelling and agony.


Ice the influenced knee for 15 minutes different times each day. Ice can help cut down swelling and oversee torment. Continuously put a bit of texture or a towel between the ice and your skin to anticipate skin disturbance.


Pressure of the knee with a pressure wrap or flexible gauze can help oversee swelling and diminish torment.


Attempt to lift your leg over your heart at whatever point conceivable. Lie in bed with your leg on a pad or while unwinding in a chair seat.


Albeit less normal, knee hyperextension can likewise bring about a ligament tear or crack. ACL cracks are the most widely recognized ligament damage of the knee and can happen with outrageous hyperextension. PCL and popliteal ligament wounds can likewise occur with hyperextension and may require surgical repair also.

Different structures of the knee like the meniscus can manage damage amid a genuine blow, and it's normal for various structures to be harmed in the meantime.


Recuperation time

Recuperation from a mellow to direct sprain following a knee hyperextension damage can take 2 to a month. It's critical amid this opportunity to confine exercises that can additionally strain the knee and to keep on managing swelling and agony.

Surgical remaking of a harmed tendon frequently prompts full recuperation and come back to work in a high level of cases. It's viewed as the best quality level for ACL wounds however frequently carries with it a long recuperation time of a half year or more.

Active recuperation is important to build quality and restore the knee and encompassing muscles to pre-damage condition and can help diminish recuperation time.

As indicated by an article in Joints, other patient components like age, sexual orientation, weight, system of damage and surgical method can likewise impact recuperation time.


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